Magnetic Loop Antennas
I have experimented with magnetic loop antennas over the years. All information from my other web page will be added to this site.
PA0FBK 2m/70cm coaxial antenna
I have built the PA0FBK coaxial dual band antenna but it hasn't worked out as well as expected having followed the intructions exactly that are on the PA0FBK web page. Another web page was found with alternative dimentions which I will be trying. Go to the dedicated page for more info.
Portable Slim Jim for 2m using 450 ohm ladder line
Not having much luck with the PA0FBK antenna I thought I'd make a portable Slim Jim before going away on my summer holiday. See how I got on with this antenna on the 2m Slim Jim page.
4m Flower Pot Antenna
I wanted to have a 4m portable antenna that was not too big and easy to deploy. I had the choice of a Slim Jim or the End Fed. On the internet people have various opinions but I just want something simple and small, the Slim Jim is 3/4 wavelength and this 1/2 wavelength so I chose this one.