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DV Gateways

MB6KW D-Star / DMR Gateway


In 2019 I decided to close the Echolink gateway for public use as no one was using it and requested a D-Star and DMR gateway license. An NoV was issued for an attended  internet gateway MB6KW to be operational on 431.0875 MHz, with an e.r.p. of 7 dBw


Due to changes the UK Amateur Radio Licence on the 21st February 2024 requirements for an NoV to operate a gateway have been removed and it has been incorporated into the licence. Some restrictions were subsequently removed. There is no longer a requirement for attended operation and the power for this gateway has increased a little from 3.7dBw to 7dBw. Excellent coverage for hand held and mobiles around Kenilworth and good coverage for fixed stations in Leamington Spa and parts of Warwick is expected. Coverage for mobiles in a similar area is variable.


This gateway is ideal for those local amateurs wanting to access D-Star and DMR without having to purchase a hotspot. It is also ideal for visitors to the Abbey Fields, Kenilworth Castle and the beautiful local countryside where the coverage extends to the south to Hatton. Visitors to Warwick Univeristy willl also be able to access the gateway from some areas of the campus.


The gateway uses the following equipment:

  • Motorola GM-340 UHF


  • Comet CX-725 Tri-band antenna 8m a.g.l.


  • Zum Radio MMDVM Pi Board


  • Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running Pi-Star


Modes enabled are D-Star and DMR

Frequency 431.0875 MHz

Settings for D-Star are Repeater Callsign MB6KW  B and Gateway Call Sign MB6KW  G

DMR is on TS2 colour code 5.


The gateway is usually connected to the D-Star reflector REF035C. This may be changed to any of your choice but please unlink when finished. DMR does not use static talkgroups so the gateway is not constantly transmitting DMR and blocking D-Star users.


For example if DMR is connected to Talkgroup 2350 UK-Wide you will constantly get stations clicking in and some chatting away on there. This will keep the gateway on DMR and stations generally do not allow a 20s gap between overs allowing the gateway to listen for local D-Star transmissions.


The same can be said for having D-Star connected to REF001C the "Mega Reflector", it can lock DMR out for quite a while.


Please remember whenever using any digital mode to leave a reasonable pause to allow users on other gateways to disconnect from the group or reflector you are using.


Predicted coverage for the gateway has been mapped using Radio Mobile on-line by VE2DBE.

RF coverage plot for MB6IKW


MB6KW gateway predicted coverage for mobiles

G1KEA-C D-Star Gateway


Prior to this gateway becoming available for general use it was locked to my callsign and filled in the gaps of the old Birmingham repeater GB7BM to my home location. 


Due to changes the UK Amateur Radio Licence on the 21st February 2024 requirements for an NoV to operate a gateway have been removed and it has been incorporated into the licence. Since these changes it has been made easier to put a gateway on VHF.  These changes allowed me to request a frequncy to run a gateway after checking the frequency is available. No other stations within a 50 mile range were operating on this frequency so I was granted a Frequency Authorisation Certificate and to operate at the maximum power allowed, 7dBw. It provides excellent coverage for hand held and mobiles around Kenilworth and good coverage for fixed stations in Leamington Spa and parts of Warwick. Coverage for mobiles in a similar area is variable.


This gateway is ideal for those local amateurs wanting to access D-Star without having to purchase a hotspot. It is also ideal for visitors to the Abbey Fields, Kenilworth Castle and the beautiful local countryside where the coverage extends to the south to Hatton. Visitors to Warwick Univeristy willl also be able to access the gateway from some areas of the campus.


The gateway uses the following equipment:

  • Motorola GM-340 VHF


  • Comet CX-725 Tri-band antenna 8m a.g.l.


  • DVMega Modem Board


  • Raspberry Pi 3 B+ running Pi-Star


Frequency 144.8875 MHz

Settings are Repeater Callsign G1KEA  C and Gateway Call Sign G1KEA  G


The gateway is not usually connected to a reflector, feel free to connect to one of your choice but please unlink when finished. 

Especially REF001C and REF030C which can be very popular.


Please remember whenever using any digital mode to leave a reasonable pause to allow users on other gateways to disconnect from the group or reflector you are using.


Predicted coverage for the gateway has been mapped using Radio Mobile on-line by VE2DBE.


G1KEA-C gateway predicted coverage for mobiles

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